The people who are most important to you are the ones that you will want to offer financial protection to. You may not always be there to help them. There are all kinds of ways to ensure that the right kind of financial provision is put in place. Comet Wealth will be happy to make suggestions that will give your loved ones protection – and you peace of mind.
Most people’s finances are like a house of cards, with their ability to earn an income acting as the bottom row. Everything else rests upon this bottom layer and, should the worst happen and your income stop, the whole house can come tumbling down. Life and health insurance protection underpins most good financial planning. These types of insurance can ensure that, if the worst should happen, the right amount of money will reach the right hands at the right time.
All too often, people put off estate planning. This is understandable as, rather than preparing for the here and now, it requires you to consider what will happen when your life is over, hardly something most of us rush to contemplate.
Consequently, estate planning often becomes, and all too often remains, a do-it-tomorrow task. When it could suddenly become all-important it might be too late. After all, accidents and illnesses can and do happen.
This guide will help you prepare effective plans that will help ensure you control what happens to your estate.
Most parents want to help their children financially, whether it is making sure there is enough money for their education or eventually helping them to buy a property. An early objective as they grow up may well be to help children understand the value and importance of money.
Whatever the reason, tax will be a major factor to consider, as will the risks of giving children too much money too soon. It is therefore important for parents and others to appreciate the basic tax and legal rules, and the investment products that are suitable for children to help achieve the goals set for them.
If you are a business owner, business succession planning and insurance is important. It is simply the process of planning for what you want to happen if you (or your co-owner, if you have one) were to die or fall seriously ill.
If this happens, family and business partners can be left in a complex situation. In some instances, the business ends up in the wrong hands, or in worst cases can fail. These issues apply to sole traders, partners and shareholders in limited companies, and all of this can be avoided with some sensible succession planning.