Trust Tax Returns… don’t get caught out
So it’s that time again! Now, it’s very rare to find anybody who actually likes completing their tax return, so when it arrives in the post you look at it, think “I’ll do that later, it’s not due for ages”, put it in “the drawer” – and it never sees the light of day again.
Well don’t get caught out. HMRC are hot on those who don’t file their Trust Tax Returns and are quick to hand out fines – shockingly so, considering how long it takes to get through to them on the phone.
If we’ve put a Trust in place for you and you’ve had a request for a Trust Tax Return but haven’t the foggiest how to complete it, please get in touch with us. We have step-by-step guidance on how to complete the standard Trust Tax Return and can advise on more complicated circumstances.
If you haven’t received a request you are most definitely one of the lucky ones and a Trust Tax Return won’t be required.